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9.12.1. sklearn.pls.PLSRegression

class sklearn.pls.PLSRegression(n_components=2, scale=True, algorithm='nipals', max_iter=500, tol=9.9999999999999995e-07, copy=True)

PLS regression

PLSRegression inherits from PLS with mode=”A” and deflation_mode=”regression”. Also known PLS2 or PLS in case of one dimensional response.

Parameters :

X: array-like of predictors, shape = [n_samples, p] :

Training vectors, where n_samples in the number of samples and p is the number of predictors.

Y: array-like of response, shape = [n_samples, q] :

Training vectors, where n_samples in the number of samples and q is the number of response variables.

n_components: int, (default 2) :

Number of components to keep.

scale: boolean, (default True) :

whether to scale the data

algorithm: string, “nipals” or “svd” :

The algorithm used to estimate the weights. It will be called n_components times, i.e. once for each iteration of the outer loop.

max_iter: an integer, (default 500) :

the maximum number of iterations of the NIPALS inner loop (used only if algorithm=”nipals”)

tol: non-negative real :

Tolerance used in the iterative algorithm default 1e-06.

copy: boolean, default True :

Whether the deflation should be done on a copy. Let the default value to True unless you don’t care about side effect


For each component k, find weights u, v that optimizes: max corr(Xk u, Yk v) * var(Xk u) var(Yk u), such that |u| = |v| = 1

Note that it maximizes both the correlations between the scores and the intra-block variances.

The residual matrix of X (Xk+1) block is obtained by the deflation on the current X score: x_score.

The residual matrix of Y (Yk+1) block is obtained by deflation on the current X score. This performs the PLS regression known as PLS2. This mode is prediction oriented.


Jacob A. Wegelin. A survey of Partial Least Squares (PLS) methods, with emphasis on the two-block case. Technical Report 371, Department of Statistics, University of Washington, Seattle, 2000.

In french but still a reference: Tenenhaus, M. (1998). La regression PLS: theorie et pratique. Paris: Editions Technic.


>>> from sklearn.pls import PLSCanonical, PLSRegression, CCA
>>> X = [[0., 0., 1.], [1.,0.,0.], [2.,2.,2.], [2.,5.,4.]]
>>> Y = [[0.1, -0.2], [0.9, 1.1], [6.2, 5.9], [11.9, 12.3]]
>>> pls2 = PLSRegression(n_components=2)
>>>, Y)
PLSRegression(algorithm='nipals', copy=True, max_iter=500, n_components=2,
       scale=True, tol=1e-06)
>>> Y_pred = pls2.predict(X)


x_weights_: array, [p, n_components] X block weights vectors.
y_weights_: array, [q, n_components] Y block weights vectors.
x_loadings_: array, [p, n_components] X block loadings vectors.
y_loadings_: array, [q, n_components] Y block loadings vectors.
x_scores_: array, [n_samples, n_components] X scores.
y_scores_: array, [n_samples, n_components] Y scores.
x_rotations_: array, [p, n_components] X block to latents rotations.
y_rotations_: array, [q, n_components] Y block to latents rotations.
coefs: array, [p, q] The coeficients of the linear model: Y = X coefs + Err


fit(X, Y)
predict(X[, copy]) Apply the dimension reduction learned on the train data.
set_params(**params) Set the parameters of the estimator.
transform(X[, Y, copy]) Apply the dimension reduction learned on the train data.
__init__(n_components=2, scale=True, algorithm='nipals', max_iter=500, tol=9.9999999999999995e-07, copy=True)
predict(X, copy=True)

Apply the dimension reduction learned on the train data. Parameters ———- X: array-like of predictors, shape = [n_samples, p]

Training vectors, where n_samples in the number of samples and p is the number of predictors.
copy: boolean
Whether to copy X and Y, or perform in-place normalization.


This call require the estimation of a p x q matrix, which may be an issue in high dimensional space.


Set the parameters of the estimator.

The method works on simple estimators as well as on nested objects (such as pipelines). The former have parameters of the form <component>__<parameter> so that it’s possible to update each component of a nested object.

Returns :self :
transform(X, Y=None, copy=True)

Apply the dimension reduction learned on the train data. Parameters ———- X: array-like of predictors, shape = [n_samples, p]

Training vectors, where n_samples in the number of samples and p is the number of predictors.
Y: array-like of response, shape = [n_samples, q], optional
Training vectors, where n_samples in the number of samples and q is the number of response variables.
copy: boolean
Whether to copy X and Y, or perform in-place normalization.
Returns :x_scores if Y is not given, (x_scores, y_scores) otherwise. :