.. _example_mlcomp_sparse_document_classification.py: ======================================================== Classification of text documents: using a MLComp dataset ======================================================== This is an example showing how the scikit-learn can be used to classify documents by topics using a bag-of-words approach. This example uses a scipy.sparse matrix to store the features instead of standard numpy arrays. The dataset used in this example is the 20 newsgroups dataset and should be downloaded from the http://mlcomp.org (free registration required): http://mlcomp.org/datasets/379 Once downloaded unzip the archive somewhere on your filesystem. For instance in:: % mkdir -p ~/data/mlcomp % cd ~/data/mlcomp % unzip /path/to/dataset-379-20news-18828_XXXXX.zip You should get a folder ``~/data/mlcomp/379`` with a file named ``metadata`` and subfolders ``raw``, ``train`` and ``test`` holding the text documents organized by newsgroups. Then set the ``MLCOMP_DATASETS_HOME`` environment variable pointing to the root folder holding the uncompressed archive:: % export MLCOMP_DATASETS_HOME="~/data/mlcomp" Then you are ready to run this example using your favorite python shell:: % ipython examples/mlcomp_sparse_document_classification.py **Python source code:** :download:`mlcomp_sparse_document_classification.py ` .. literalinclude:: mlcomp_sparse_document_classification.py :lines: 36-