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2.3.7. Exercises: Taking it a step further

Here we describe three exercises that will walk you through more advanced approaches to the classification, regression, and dimensionality reduction tasks outlined in the previous sections.

Before beginning the exercises, be sure you have downloaded the tutorial source as described in the setup section. For each exercise, there are two files. In $TUTORIAL_HOME/skeletons, there is a skeleton script which can be filled-in to complete the exercise. In $TUTORIAL_HOME/solutions you can find a completed version of the exercise files.

To work on the tutorials, begin by copying the content of the skeletons folder to your own workspace:

% cp -r skeletons workspace

You can then edit the contents of workspace without losing the original files. You must also make sure you have run the scripts in the appropriate subdirectory of $TUTORIAL_HOME/data. Next start the ipython interpreter and run the script with:

In [1]: %run workspace/exercise*.py datadir

If an exception is triggered, you can type %debug to fire-up an ipdb session.

Each exercise contains the necessary import statements, data loading, and code to evaluate the predictive accuracy of the model being used. The remaining code must be filled-in by the user. These places are marked by the comment #TODO. Each exercise also has in-line descriptions which go over the details of each sub-task. Exercise 1: Photometric Classification with GMM

In this exercise, you will improve on the results of the classification example described in the classification section. We previously used a simple Gaussian Naive Bayes classifier to distinguish between stars and quasars. Here we will use Gaussian Mixture Models to recreate the Gaussian Naive Bayes classifier, and then tweak the parameters of these mixture models, evaluating them using a cross-validation set, and attempt to arrive at a better classifier.

The overall goal of the task is to improve the quasar classifier, measuring its performance using the precision, recall, and F1-score.

This task is broken into several parts:

  1. Re-implement Gaussian Naive Bayes using Gaussian Mixture models. This involves training two single-component GMMs, calculating the priors for each class, and using these to compute likelihoods. This can be compared directly with the Gaussian Naive Bayes results to check that the implementation is correct.
  2. Experiment with various covariance types and numbers of components to optimize the classifier using the cross-validation set.
  3. Once you’ve converged on a good set of GMM parameters, predict the labels for the test set, and compare this with the labels from the literature.

the ipython command is:

In [1]: %run workspace/ data/sdss_colors Exercise 2: Photometric redshifts with Decision Trees

In this exercise, you will seek to improve the results of the photometric redshift regression problem described in the regression section. This exercise will draw heavily on the concepts of bias and variance, using the learning curve plots introduced in section 3 of this tutorial.

There are two goals of this exercise:

  1. Find the best possible decision tree classifier for the data
  2. Decide what the best use of future resources is. Should the astronomers seek to observe more objects (i.e. increase the number of training samples), or record more observations for each object (i.e. increase the number of features)?

The exercise is broken into the following tasks:

  1. Compute the training error and cross-validation error as a function of the max_depth parameter used in the Decision Tree Classifier.
  2. Compute the training error and cross-validation error as a function of the number of training samples.
  3. Repeat these two tasks, recording the outlier rate rather than the rms error.
  4. Analyze these results: should future observations focus on increasing the number of samples, or increasing the number of features? Does this answer change depending on whether the rms error or outlier rate is the metric used?

the ipython command is:

In [1]: %run workspace/ data/sdss_photoz/ Exercise 3: Dimensionality Reduction of Spectra

In this exercise, you will use several dimensionality reduction techniques to view low-dimensional projections of galaxy & quasar spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. This exercise is much less quantitative than the previous ones: it mainly will help you to get a qualitative sense of the characteristics of these learning methods.

There is a programming section, followed by an experimentation section. The skeleton is set up to use command-line options to compare different sets of parameters Programming

The file has several places with “TODO” marked. In these, you will use the specified unsupervised method to project the data X into the lower-dimensional X_proj.

  1. Use sklearn.decomposition.RandomizedPCA to project the data

    the ipython command is:

    In [1]: %run workspace/ data/sdss_spectra/ -m pca

    Note the argument -m which specifies the method to use.

  2. Use sklearn.manifold.LocallyLinearEmbedding with method='standard' to project the data.

    the ipython command is:

    In [1]: %run workspace/ data/sdss_spectra/ -m lle
  3. Use sklearn.manifold.LocallyLinearEmbedding with method='standard' to project the data.

    the ipython command is:

    In [1]: %run workspace/ data/sdss_spectra/ -m mlle
  4. Use sklearn.manifold.Isomap to project the data.

    the ipython command is:

    In [1]: %run workspace/ data/sdss_spectra/ -m isomap Experimentation

Your goal is to find a projection that does a good job of separating the various classes of spectra, and lays them out in a way that might allow intuitive evaluation of the relationships between points. The script is set-up as a command-line interface. You should address the following questions:

  1. How sensitive is PCA to the set of data used? To the number of training points? You can test this out as follows:

    % python workspace/ data/sdss_spectra -m pca -n 1000 -s

    This will perform PCA on a subset of 1000 points. -s indicates that the data should be shuffled, so that the set of points is different every time. How stable is the projection between different subsets of the data? How does the projection change as the number of points is increased?

  2. Address the same questions with LLE, MLLE, and Isomap. Which of these manifold methods appears to give the most stable results?

  3. Now we can vary the number of neighbors used with LLE, MLLE, and Isomap. This is accomplished as follows:

    % python workspace/ data/sdss_spectra -m lle -k 20

    This call will execute LLE with 20 neighbors. Try this for several values of k. How does the number of neighbors change the projection? Among LLE, MLLE, and Isomap, which produces the most stable results as the number of neighbors are changed?

  4. Finally, we’ll test the effects of normalization. This can be done as follows:

    % python workspace/ data/sdss_spectra -N l2

    this will perform PCA with L2-normalization. The other options are -N l1 for L1-normalization, and -N none for no normalization. Normalization has the effect of bringing all the spectra closer together: unnormalized spectra may be very bright (for nearby objects) or very dim (for far away objects). Normalization corrects for this source of variance in the data. How do the projected results change as you vary the normalization?

  5. By now, you should have an idea of which method and which combination of parameters give the best qualitative separation between the points. Re-run this method using the full dataset now:

    % python workspace/ data/sdss_spectra -n 4000 -m [method] [other options]

    This should give you a projection of the data that gives a good visualization of the relationship between points. An astronomer may go further and try to develop rough cut-offs that would give a broad classification to an unlabeled test point. This sort of procedure could be used as the first step of a physically-motivated classification pipeline, or to flag potentially interesting objects for quick followup.